LSPD Application Template
Basic Applicant Requirements:
- must be at least 21 years of age or older.
- must be a U.S Citizen, or applying for U.S Citizenship during the time of application.
- must have the eyesight of at least 20/20, or be able to modify it using some external device such as contact lenses or glasses.
- must be a current resident of the state of San Andreas, living somewhat near the city of Los Santos.
- must have a valid driver's license from the San Andreas Department of Motor Vehicles.
- must be fairly physically and mentally fit, although some exceptions may be made.
- must possess a valid High School Diploma or G.E.D. An equivalent 4-year degree in an accredited institution may make up for lack of.
Code: Select all
[lspd]Officer Application[/lspd]
[b]Your Name:[/b] Insert Name Here
[b]Your Age:[/b] Insert Age Here
[b]Your Phone Number:[/b] Insert Number Here
[b]Do you have a valid drivers license?:[/b] Your reply here
[b]((Discord Name (Mach2#0002) ))[/b]
[b]Do you have criminal history? If so, what happened?[/b] Your reply here
[b]Do you have prior experience?[/b] Your reply here
[b]Why do you want to join LSPD?[/b] Your reply here
[b]Why should we accept you over other applicants?[/b] Your reply here
[b]Are you willing to undergo extensive training?[/b] Your reply here
By submitting this application I agree to a background check, interviews, and all other formalities of a hiring process.
[b]Sign Here:[/b] Your Name